Freedom from our perfect self / The dark side of 'positive thinking'

Freedom from our perfect self / The dark side of 'positive thinking'

Over many years of working with people, it became obvious to me that in the process of ‘becoming’ we think we need to be perfect. What do I mean by this?  We become addicted to perfecting ourselves, to carving out a ‘front’ that would be admired by all around us. And this then destroys us if we are not careful.

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8 steps to better revision - exam, peer and social media pressure burns out our teenagers

8 steps to better revision - exam, peer and social media pressure burns out our teenagers

Is your teenager under pressure at school to achieve, achieve and achieve more again?
Our teenagers are under massive pressure as it’s exam season again. The truth is, life shouldn't be ‘stressful’ for 17 year olds. It is though, and that’s a shame.

We see more and more of them at our Clinic this time of the year, stressed out.

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Soaring level of depression amongst our youngsters - they are just not good enough!

Soaring level of depression amongst our youngsters - they are just not good enough!

Why are more and more of our children burdened with self-harming tendencies, eating disorders, depression, drugs and various addictions? Why do they finish school and have no direction, no drive, and no self-confidence?

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