Did you know - this is how your breathing affects memory and fear

Did you know - this is how your breathing affects memory and fear

The rhythm of your breathing can influence neural activity that enhances memory recall and emotional judgement.

Breathing is not just for oxygen; it’s now linked to brain function and behavior.  How?

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8 steps to better revision - exam, peer and social media pressure burns out our teenagers

8 steps to better revision - exam, peer and social media pressure burns out our teenagers

Is your teenager under pressure at school to achieve, achieve and achieve more again?
Our teenagers are under massive pressure as it’s exam season again. The truth is, life shouldn't be ‘stressful’ for 17 year olds. It is though, and that’s a shame.

We see more and more of them at our Clinic this time of the year, stressed out.

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Yoga - the surprising benefits revealed

Yoga - the surprising benefits revealed

A recent review of the literature in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice suggests that yoga may change brain waves as well as structure. A group of researchers analysed fifteen studies examining the effects of yoga on brain waves as well as structural changes in brain activation following participating in yoga postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation-based yoga. 

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