Screen time - what we should know and what we can do

Screen time - what we should know and what we can do

From TV to smartphones to social media, our lives are dominated by 24/7 media exposure. Despite this, many children and teens have few rules around their media use. Media & digital devices are an integral part of our world today. The benefits of these devices, if used moderately & appropriately, can be great.

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Treats? - think again! Child obesity almost doubled over the past few decades in the UK

Treats? - think again! Child obesity almost doubled over the past few decades in the UK

An international study has found that four in ten children aged between five and 19 are overweight or medically obese – with ten per cent of youngsters in the UK deemed at an unhealthy weight.

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Insufficient sleep - the health hazards

Insufficient sleep - the health hazards

Skimping on sleep can raise the risk of many health problems and leave you prone to accidents.

Sleep experts say we should get at least seven hours of slumber each night. But as many as one in three of us routinely sleeps for less than six hours—a trend that can have serious health ramifications.

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