Treats? - think again! Child obesity almost doubled over the past few decades in the UK

Treats? - think again! Child obesity almost doubled over the past few decades in the UK

An international study has found that four in ten children aged between five and 19 are overweight or medically obese – with ten per cent of youngsters in the UK deemed at an unhealthy weight.

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Lower your cholesterol without drugs - this is how

Lower your cholesterol without drugs - this is how

You can begin to reduce your “bad” LDL cholesterol by making a few simple changes in your diet.

If your cholesterol is creeping upward, your doctor has probably told you that diet and exercise — the traditional cornerstones of heart health — could help to bring it down. And if you’d prefer to make just one change at a time, you might want to begin with your diet. A major 2012 analysis of several controlled trials involving hundreds of men and women found that dietary changes reduced LDL and total cholesterol while exercise alone had no effect on either. (However, adding aerobic exercise did enhance the lipid-lowering effects of a heart-healthy diet.)

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