Why listening to a podcast while exercising could harm performance in elite athletes

Why listening to a podcast while exercising could harm performance in elite athletes

n an increasingly busy world, listening to a podcast, watching a documentary or even learning a foreign language while exercising may feel like a constructive use of time. But a new study suggests that..

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Complaining Harms Your Health, According to Science

Complaining Harms Your Health, According to Science

Why do people complain? Not to torture others with their negativity, surely. When most of us indulge in a bit of a moan, the idea is to "vent." By getting our emotions out, we reason, we'll feel better. However, science suggests there are a few serious flaws in that reasoning.

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Do you ever feel like you have to get away?

Do you ever feel like you have to get away?

Do you ever feel that you have to get away?
Away from what’s going on in your life, from people, from your life in general?

So you book a holiday, finally get away

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